Giampaolo Mameli
The artisan
Giampaolo Mameli graduated at the Liceo Artistico Statale di Cagliari. The study of the paleo-Sardinian language and Nuragic culture, and the relationship between the gods and nature, is the basis of his reinterpretation of symbolic figures and rock graffiti of Mediterranean prehistory. He reinterpretes the images of the Bull God and the Mother Goddess, archetypal figures of earthly fertility and vitality, drawing shapes and patterns that make up the core of his best-known ceramics production. Strongly evocative formal choices and expressive synthesis takes him to find unusual stylistic solutions: he reinterprets classic models, applying decorations on dense or monochromatic surfaces. Vibrant metal glows. His ceramics are found in many museums and public and private collections.

The collection
Through often experimental techniques, Giampaolo Mameli uses a very personal jargon made of furniture collections and art works. A collection is dedicated to the Mother Goddess and the Bull God, created with an absolute-black bucchero, a technique that is also featured in the Ciottoli, Sfere and Nur collections. Two collections, Pesci and Frammenti, feature the Raku technique, where refined colours introduce a harmonious, bright polychromy, the result of a unique and happy contamination of contemporary taste with the deepest roots of our culture.
The technique
Different and original pottery pieces characterise the production by Giampaolo Mameli. First on all, the bucchero technique, skilfully performed, applied in a charming glossy ("a stralucido") version, which gives life to naturally polished surfaces, covered by neat linear marks. They underline the background surfaces, writings and incisions, with a vibrating monochrome black, sometimes decorated with a by gilt leaf inserts. The Raku technique is used with a personal touch; variations enhance the materiality of surfaces through the contrast of primary colours, or the introduction of lavish refined polychromy.
More details on the Mediterranean Crafts Archive
To get to know the territory, the techniques and the tools, visit the relevant section.
Where to find them
Telefono: +39 070 9600411; 328 3416766
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