Renato Bugiotti
The artisan
Renato Bugiotti explores the charm of materials; the artist and metalsmith is an artisan skilled in the production of art objects, rich in charisma. Born in Fossombrone, in the province of Pesaro e Urbino, he moved to Sardinia in the Centre of Orosei at the age of two; Renato cares and develops the personal artistic sensitivity, learning and refining a number of techniques. He makes objects of different shapes, colours and surfaces, involving the use of all senses: steel, worked and shaped, is put together with other durable materials. They are objects designed to blend into the environment, to match furnishings, inspired by a precious uniqueness and Renato exhibits his work at exhibitions and fairs.

The collection
The production essentially consists of artistic objects made of different materials capable of giving style to furnishing and living spaces in different contexts. The theme mainly studies is the drop, a shape that Renato crafts with sinuous contrast between the perceptions of fluid and solid matter.
The technique
The objects combine hand-forged steel, enriched with details of mirror-polished finish, with wood and stone carved and finished by hand.
More details on the Mediterranean Crafts Archive
To get to know the territory, the techniques and the tools, visit the relevant section.
Where to find them
Telefono: +39 0784443981
Sito web: